
Introduction to Grímnismál

The following is an edition of the Eddic poem Grímnismál. In Grímnismál, the god Óðinn, after having been tortured by the king Geirrøðr, gives a first person account of the worlds of the gods and where each god resides, as well as other cosmological features such as the world tree Yggdrasill. Grímnismál is one of the most important poems for our knowledge and understanding of Old Norse cosmology. It can be found in two manuscripts: GKS 2365 4to, also known as the Codex Regius of the Elder Edda, and AM 748 I 4to, which survives only in fragmentary form but contains Grímnismál in full. As part of my thesis, I have transcribed both manuscripts and prepared this edition of Grímnismál. In order to present it in a manner that reflects the original as much as possible, instead of merging it into one poem and normalising the spelling, I have chosen to prepare two different facing editions in which the abbreviations have been expanded but the spelling has been kept faithful to the manuscripts. Features such as spelling can help with the dating of manuscripts and it is partially why GKS 2365 4to is considered to have been written in the period between 1250 and 1300, and AM 748 I 4to between 1300 and 1350. In my thesis I analyse the dating of both manuscripts and palæographical features in detail.

Translating poetry can prove to be very problematic, and lots of nuances can be lost. For the casual reader, translations such as Carolyne Larrington’s or Andy Orchard’s are enough. Whoever is more keen to delve into the actual text and understand what is said within it without having to rely on the interpretation of the editor or translator, should find the glossary to be more helpful. The glossary provided herein should enable someone with even the most basic knowledge of Old Norse to understand the poem and help those with a better knowledge of the language see the poem as it was transmitted into parchment.

GKS 2365 4to

AM 748 I 4to

8v Fra sonom. hrauðungi konungs.

Hrauðungr konungr atti tva aftr vera. sono het annarr agnarr en annarr geirrauuþr. Agnarr var x. vetra enn geirrauðr viii. vetra. þeir ręro tveir á 9r bati með dorgar sinar at sma fisci. Vindr rac þa i haf ut i nát myrkri bruto þeir við land. oc gengo up fundo cot bónda einn. þar váro þeir um vetrinn. Kerling fostradi agnar enn karl geirroð. at vári fecc karl þeim scip. enn er kerling þáu leiddo þa til strandar þa męlti karl ein męli við geirrauð. Þeir fengo býr oc qvomo til stauðva fauðurs sins. Geirroþr var fram í scipi hann hliop up a land enn hratt út scipino. oc męlti. far þu þar er smýl hafi þic. Scipit rac ut. enn geirroðr gek ut til bǫ́ar hanom var vel fagnat. þa var faþir hans andaþr. var þa geirrauðr til konungs tekinn. oc varð maðr agętr.

Oþinn oc Frigg sato i hliþscialfo oc sa um heima alla. oðinn męlti. ser þu agnar fostra þinn hvar hann elr born við gygi i hellinom. enn geirroþr fostri minn er konungr oc sitr nu at landi. Frigg segir. hann er mat niþingr sa at hann qvelr gesti sina ef honum þiccia of margir coma. Oþinn segir at þat er in mesta lygi. þau veðia um þetta. mál.

Frigg sendi escis meý sína fullo til geirroðar. hon bað konung varaz at eigi fyr gerþi hanom fiolikunnigr maðr. sa er þar var kominn i land. oc sagði þat marc á at engi húndr var sva olmr at a hann mundi hlaupa. enn þat var inn mesti hegomi at geirroþr vęri eigi mat goþr. oc þo lętr hann handtaca þann Mann er eigi vildo hundar a raða. sa var i feldi blám oc nefndiz grimnir. oc sagði ecci fleira fra ser þott hann vęri at spurþr. konungr let hann pína til sagna oc setia milli elda tveggia oc sat hann þar viii. nętr. Geirroþr konungr atti son x. vetra gamlan oc het agnarr eptir broþur hans. Agnarr gecc at grimni oc gaf hanom horn fult at drecca. sagði at konungr gorði illa er hann let pína hann sac lausan. Grimnir dracc af þa var eldrinn sva kominn at feldrinn brann af grimni. hann qvad.

3v Fra hrauðungi konungi

Hrauðungr konungr atti .ii. sonu. hæt annarr agnarr æn s.annarr gæirǫðr. agnarr var .x. vetra ænn gæirrǫðr .viii. vætra Þæir ræru .ii. a bati með dorgir sinar at smá fiski. Vindr rak þa i haf ut. þæir brutu i nát mýrkri við land oc gængu upp fundu kot bónda æinn. þar voru þæir um vætrinn. kærling fosraði agnar æn karl fostraði gæirrǫð. oc kændi honum rað. at vár fækc karl þæim skip. ænn ær þau kærling læiddu þa til skips þa mælti karl æinmæli við gæirrǫð. Þæir fængu býr oc komu til stauðva fǫður sins. Gæirǫðr var fram í skipi. hann hliop upp a land ænn hratt útt skipinu oc mælti far þu nu þar 4r ær smýl hafi þik. Skipat rak i haf ut ænn gæirrǫðr gækc upp til béia honum var þar væl fagnat æn faðir hans var þa andaði. Gæirrǫðr var þa til konungs tækinn oc varð maðr agætr.

Oðinn oc frigg satu i hliðskialf oc sa um alla hæima. Oðinn mælti Ser þu agnar fostra þinn hvar hann ælr bǫrn við gýgi i hællinum. ænn ær konungr fostri minn oc sitr at lǫndum. Frigg sagdi hann ær mat niðingr sa at hann kvælr gǽsti .segir æf honom þikcia of margir koma. Oðinn sagði at þat ær hin mæsta lýgi. þau væðia um þætta mal

Frigg sændi æski mæý sina til Gæirrǫðar. hon bað konung varaz at æigi firi gærðin honum fiǫlkunnigr maðr sa ær var kominn i land oc sagði þat mark a at ængi hundr var sva ómlr at a hann mundi hlaupa. ænn var hinn mæsti hægomi at gæirrǫðr konungr væri æigi mat goðr. ænn þo lætr konungr handtaka þann mann ær æigi villdu hundar a hlaupa sa var i felldi blám oc nefndiz grimnir oc sagði ækci flæira fra sær þott hann væri at spurþr. konungr lætr pina hann til sagna oc sætia milli ællda oc sat þar .viii. nætr. Gæirrǫðr konungr átti þa son .x. vætra gamlan oc hæt agnarr æptir broður hans. agnarr gækc at grimni oc gaf honum horn fullt at drækca oc sagði at faðir hans gærði ær hann pinndi þænna mann sak lausan. Grimnir drakc af þa var ælldrinn sva kominn at fælldrin brann af grimni. hann. qvað.


af: off, from, out of, beyond, of
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 17.4, 17.5, 25.3, 26.3, 26.4, 33.2, 42.6, 54.9
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 17.4, 17.5, 25.3, 26.3, 26.4, 33.2, 42.6, Conc.
ala: to give birth to, to nourish, to support, to feed
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 18.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 18.6
aldinn: ancient
GKS 2365 4to 50.3
AM 748 I 4to 50.3
aldregi: never
GKS 2365 4to 3.5
AM 748 I 4to 3.5
aldri: never
GKS 2365 4to 48.6
allr: all, entire, the whole
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 3.2, 7.5, 15.6, 26.6, 29.8, 41.6, 42.2, 45.4, 51.5, 52.6, 54.9
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 3.2, 7.5, 15.6, 26.6, 29.8, 41.6, 42.2, 45.4, 51.5, 52.6, 54.9
anda: to breathe, to expire
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
annar: one of two, the other
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 28.2, 31.5, 39.4
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 28.2, 31.5, 39.4
api: ape
GKS 2365 4to 34.3
AM 748 I 4to 34.3
aptr: back, back again
GKS 2365 4to 20.5
AM 748 I 4to 20.5
askr: ash tree, fraxinus
GKS 2365 4to29.6, 30.9, 31.3, 32.3, 34.2, 35.1, 44.1
AM 748 I 4to29.6, 30.9, 31.3, 32.3, 34.2, 35.1, 44.1
at: towards, against, to, at, at first, at the beginning
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.3, 5.6, 9.3, 10.3, 20.5, 21.6, 24.3, 24.6, 25.6, 29.6, 29.7, 30.9, 32.3, 34.8, 36.2, 38.5, 42.4, 43.3, 45.7, 49.2, 49.3, 49.6, 50.2, 54.8, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.3, 5.6, 9.3, 10.3, 20.5, 21.6, 23.6, 29.6, 29.7, 30.9, 32.3, 34.8, 36.2, 38.5, 42.4, 43.3, 45.7, 49.2, 49.3, 49.6, 49.7, 50.2, 54.8, 54.9, Conc.
auðkenndr: easy to recognise
GKS 2365 4to9.1, 10.1
AM 748 I 4to9.1, 10.1
á: on, upon, during, towards, at, to
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.5, 12.4, 21.4, 22.2, 25.2, 26.2, 28.1, 31.2, 33.2, 35.5, 42.3, 45.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.5, 12.4, 21.4, 22.2, 23.3, 24.3, 25.2, 26.2, 28.1, 31.2, 33.2, 35.5, 42.3, 45.6
áðan: a little before, a little while ago, erewhile
GKS 2365 4to 54.2
AM 748 I 4to 54.2
áfram: with the face downward, forward
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
ágætr: famous, goodly, excellent
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
álfr: elf, fairy
GKS 2365 4to 4.3
AM 748 I 4to 4.3
árdagar: in the days of yore
GKS 2365 4to5.5, 6.6, 43.2
AM 748 I 4to5.5, 6.6, 43.2
áss: god
GKS 2365 4to4.3, 6.6, 29.7, 30.6, 37.6, 42.5, 44.4, 45.4
AM 748 I 4to4.3, 6.6, 29.7, 30.6, 37.6, 42.5, 44.4, 45.4
átta: eight
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.1, 24.4
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.1, 23.4
átti: eighth
GKS 2365 4to 13.1
AM 748 I 4to 13.1
baðmr: tree
GKS 2365 4to 40.5
AM 748 I 4to 40.5
bak: back
GKS 2365 4to 17.5
AM 748 I 4to 17.5
bana: bane, death
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
bani: bane, death
GKS 2365 4to 50.6
AM 748 I 4to 50.6
barn: child, baby
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
bátr: boat
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
bein: bone
GKS 2365 4to 40.4
AM 748 I 4to 40.4
bekkr: bench, bank
GKS 2365 4to10.6, 45.6
AM 748 I 4to9.6, 45.6
bera: to bear, to carry
GKS 2365 4to1.5, 32.5, 36.2, 36.9
AM 748 I 4to32.5, 36.2, 36.9
betr: better
GKS 2365 4to 18.4
AM 748 I 4to 18.4
biðja: to beg
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 3.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 3.2
bíta: to bite
GKS 2365 4to25.3, 26.3, 35.4
AM 748 I 4to25.3, 26.3, 35.4
bjarg: rocks, precipices
GKS 2365 4to38.4, 40.4
AM 748 I 4to38.4, 40.4
bjartr: bright
GKS 2365 4to 8.2
AM 748 I 4to 8.2
bjóða: to bid, offer
GKS 2365 4to 2.3
AM 748 I 4to 2.3
blár: blue, black
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
blíðr: blithe, gentle
GKS 2365 4to6.2, 37.5, 41.2
AM 748 I 4to6.2, 37.5, 41.2
bógr: the shoulder of an animal
GKS 2365 4to 37.4
AM 748 I 4to 37.4
bóndi: husband-man, farmer
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
brá: eyelid
GKS 2365 4to 41.1
AM 748 I 4to 41.1
bregða: to move swiftly, to break up, to break off, to upbraid
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
brenna: to burn
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.6, 29.8, 38.5
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.6, 29.8, 38.5
brim: surf
GKS 2365 4to 38.4
AM 748 I 4to 38.4
brjóta: to break
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
bróðir: brother
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
brú: bridge
GKS 2365 4to29.7, 44.6
AM 748 I 4to29.7, 44.6
brúðr: bride
GKS 2365 4to11.5, 39.6
AM 748 I 4to11.5, 39.6
brynja: coat of mail
GKS 2365 4to 10.6
AM 748 I 4to 9.6
buga: to bow, to draw the net round
GKS 2365 4to 23.3
AM 748 I 4to 24.3
burr: son
GKS 2365 4to43.6, 50.5
AM 748 I 4to43.6, 50.5
búa: to live, to abide, to dwell
GKS 2365 4to11.2, 11.4, 15.5, 31.4
AM 748 I 4to11.2, 11.4, 15.5, 31.4
byrr: a fair wind
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
bær: town, village
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 6.1
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 6.1
dagr: day
GKS 2365 4to7.5, 8.5, 14.5, 15.5, 20.2, 29.4, 30.7
AM 748 I 4to7.5, 14.5, 15.5, 20.2, 29.4, 30.7
dauðr: dead
GKS 2365 4to 8.6
AM 748 I 4to 8.6
dís: a sister, a goddess or piestess, a female guardian-angel, a maid
GKS 2365 4to 53.4
AM 748 I 4to 53.4
dorg: an angler's tackle
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
draga: to drag, to carry, to pull
GKS 2365 4to37.3, 49.5
AM 748 I 4to37.3, 49.5
drekka: to drink
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 7.5, 13.5, 45.7, 51.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 7.5, 13.5, 45.7, 51.2
drepa: to stumble
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
dreyri: blood
GKS 2365 4to 52.6
AM 748 I 4to 52.6
drífa: to drive
GKS 2365 4to 52.6
AM 748 I 4to 52.6
drjúpa: to drip
GKS 2365 4to9.6, 26.5
AM 748 I 4to10.6, 26.5
drykkr: drink, beverage
GKS 2365 4to 3.4
AM 748 I 4to 3.4
drýgja: tocommit, perpetrate
GKS 2365 4to 35.2
AM 748 I 4to 35.2
dylja: to conceal, to bide
GKS 2365 4to 50.3
AM 748 I 4to 50.3
dyrr: door, doors
GKS 2365 4to9.5, 22.3, 24.1, 24.5
AM 748 I 4to10.5, 22.3, 23.1, 23.5
dæma: to give judgement, to pass sentence
GKS 2365 4to29.5, 30.8
AM 748 I 4to29.5, 30.8
ef: if
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 38.6, 53.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 38.6, 53.6
eggmóðr: edge-weary
GKS 2365 4to 53.1
AM 748 I 4to 53.1
eiga: to possess, to have
GKS 2365 4to14.6, 26.6
AM 748 I 4to14.6, 26.6
eigi: not
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
einmæli: private talk
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
einn: one
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.4, 2.5, 3.4, 18.6, 19.4, 24.4, 24.5, 31.4, 36.9, 48.5, 50.6, 51.5, 54.9
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.4, 2.5, 3.4, 18.6, 19.4, 23.4, 23.5, 31.4, 36.9, 48.5, 50.6, 51.5, 54.9
ek: I
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 4.2, 5.3, 6.5, 12.3, 12.5, 16.3, 20.4, 23.3, 23.5, 23.6, 24.3, 34.8, 36.2, 38.5, 45.1, 48.7, 49.1, 49.5, 50.2, 50.3, 50.4, 52.1, 52.5, 53.3, 53.6, 54.1, 54.2, 54.8, 54.9, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 4.2, 5.3, 6.5, 12.3, 12.5, 16.3, 20.4, 20.6, 23.3, 24.3, 24.5, 24.6, 34.8, 36.2, 38.5, 45.1, 48.6, 49.1, 49.5, 50.2, 50.3, 50.4, 52.1, 52.4, 52.5, 53.3, 53.6, 54.1, 54.2, 54.8, 54.9, Conc.
ekki: not
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
eldr: fire
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.2, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.2, Conc.
elleft: eleventh
GKS 2365 4to 16.1
AM 748 I 4to 16.1
en: but, and
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 4.4, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 11.1, 11.4, 12.2, 13.2, 14.2, 14.6, 15.4, 16.2, 16.5, 17.4, 18.5, 19.4, 22.5, 26.4, 28.1, 34.3, 35.3, 35.5, 37.4, 39.4, 40.3, 40.6, 41.1, 41.4, 44.3, 44.5, 44.7, 44.9, 49.3, 49.4, 52.2, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 4.4, 7.2, 8.4, 11.4, 12.2, 13.2, 14.2, 14.6, 15.4, 16.2, 17.4, 18.5, 19.4, 22.5, 26.4, 28.1, 28.12, 34.3, 35.3, 35.5, 37.4, 39.4, 40.3, 40.6, 41.1, 41.4, 44.3, 44.5, 44.7, 44.9, 44.10, 49.3, 49.4, 52.2, Conc.
engi: none, no one
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.3
eptir: after
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
er: which, who, that, there where
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.5, 4.2, 5.2, 6.2, 6.5, 9.2, 10.2, 11.2, 12.4, 22.2, 23.5, 24.6, 25.2, 26.2, 28.12, 29.5, 30.8, 32.2, 39.2, 42.6, 49.5, 51.4, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.5, 4.2, 5.2, 6.2, 6.5, 11.2, 12.5, 22.2, 23.6, 24.5, 25.2, 26.2, 29.5, 30.8, 32.2, 39.2, 42.3, 49.5, 51.4, Conc.
erfiði: toil, labour, trouble
GKS 2365 4to 35.2
AM 748 I 4to 35.2
es: which, who, that, there where
GKS 2365 4to 8.2
AM 748 I 4to 8.2
eskimær: lady's maid
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
faðir: father
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 11.6, 17.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 11.6, 17.6
fagna: to be fain, to rejoice
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
falla: to fall
GKS 2365 4to28.11, 28.12, 38.6
AM 748 I 4to28.11, 28.12, 38.6
fara: to go, to travel
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 24.6, 29.5, 30.8, 48.7
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 23.6, 29.5, 48.6
fá: to fetch, to catch, to seize
GKS 2365 4toIntro., Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., Conc.
fár: few
GKS 2365 4to12.6, 18.5, 22.5, 52.2
AM 748 I 4to12.6, 18.5, 22.5, 52.2
feikn: portent
GKS 2365 4to 12.6
AM 748 I 4to 12.6
fela: to hide, to conceal
GKS 2365 4to 37.5
AM 748 I 4to 37.5
feldr: cloak
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.6
fé: cattle, property
GKS 2365 4to 5.6
AM 748 I 4to 5.6
fimm: five
GKS 2365 4to23.1, 24.1
AM 748 I 4to23.1, 24.1
fimmti: fifth
GKS 2365 4to 8.1
AM 748 I 4to 8.1
finna: to find
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
firr: away
AM 748 I 4to 1.3
fiskr: fish
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 21.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 21.3
fjórði: fourth
GKS 2365 4to 7.1
AM 748 I 4to 7.1
fjórir: four
GKS 2365 4to23.2, 24.2, 33.1
AM 748 I 4to23.2, 24.2, 33.1
fjǫlð: much
GKS 2365 4to 52.1
AM 748 I 4to 52.1
fjǫlkunnigr: skilled in the dark art
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
fleiri: more
GKS 2365 4to 34.1
AM 748 I 4to 34.1
flesk: pork
GKS 2365 4to 18.4
AM 748 I 4to 18.4
flestr: most
GKS 2365 4to 15.5
AM 748 I 4to 15.5
fljúga: to fly
GKS 2365 4to 20.2
AM 748 I 4to 20.2
flóð: flood, inundation, deluge
GKS 2365 4to 21.3
AM 748 I 4to 21.3
folk: folk, people
GKS 2365 4to 48.7
AM 748 I 4to 48.6
forn: old
GKS 2365 4to11.6, 22.4
AM 748 I 4to11.6, 22.4
fóstr: to foster
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
fóstra: foster
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
fótr: foot
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
fram: forward
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
frá: from
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 38.6, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 38.6, Conc.
frækn: valiantt, stout
GKS 2365 4to 17.6
AM 748 I 4to 17.6
fullr: full
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
funi: flame
GKS 2365 4to 42.3
AM 748 I 4to1.3, 42.3
fúna: to rot, to decay
GKS 2365 4to 35.5
AM 748 I 4to 35.5
fylgja: to follow
GKS 2365 4to 39.2
AM 748 I 4to 39.2
fylla: to fill, to pour
GKS 2365 4to 25.4
AM 748 I 4to 25.4
fyrir: before, in front of
GKS 2365 4to1.6, 9.5, 22.3, 38.2, 39.6, 45.2, 54.3
AM 748 I 4to1.6, 10.5, 22.3, 38.2, 39.6, 45.2, 54.3
fyrirgøra: to forfeit
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
fyrstr: first
GKS 2365 4to 42.3
AM 748 I 4to 42.3
gagháls: with neck thrown back
GKS 2365 4to 33.3
AM 748 I 4to 33.3
gagn: use, avail
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
gamall: old
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
ganga: to go
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 24.5, 43.2, 51.4
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.3, 23.5, 43.2, 51.4
gefa: to give
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 5.5
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 5.5
geit: goat
GKS 2365 4to 25.1
AM 748 I 4to 25.1
gera: to do
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 3.6, 12.3, 16.3, 41.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 12.3, 16.3, 41.2
gestr: guest
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
geta: to get
AM 748 I 4to 3.6
gjald: tribute, payment
GKS 2365 4to 3.6
AM 748 I 4to 3.6
glaðr: glad
GKS 2365 4to7.6, 13.6
AM 748 I 4to7.6, 13.6
glaumr: lusty crowd of men, a host of warriors (with val-)
GKS 2365 4to 21.6
AM 748 I 4to 21.6
glymja: to rattle, to clash
GKS 2365 4to 7.3
AM 748 I 4to 7.3
gnaga: to gnaw
GKS 2365 4to 33.3
AM 748 I 4to 33.3
goð: god
GKS 2365 4to11.5, 13.4, 27.8, 38.3, 39.2, 42.2, 49.9, 54.6
AM 748 I 4to11.5, 13.4, 27.8, 38.3, 39.2, 42.2, 49.10, 54.6
goti: Goth
GKS 2365 4to 2.7
AM 748 I 4to 2.7
góðr: good
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 3.6, 13.6, 43.4
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 3.6, 13.6, 43.4
gólf: floor
GKS 2365 4to 23.1
AM 748 I 4to 24.1
gras: grass, herbage
GKS 2365 4to 17.2
AM 748 I 4to 17.2
grind: lattice door, gate
GKS 2365 4to 22.4
AM 748 I 4to 22.4
grund: ground
GKS 2365 4to 20.3
AM 748 I 4to 20.3
gull: gold
GKS 2365 4to7.6, 8.2, 15.2
AM 748 I 4to7.6, 8.2, 15.2
gumi: man
GKS 2365 4to 28.11
AM 748 I 4to 28.11
gunntamiðr: valiant
GKS 2365 4to 19.2
AM 748 I 4to 19.2
gýgr: ogress, witch
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
gǫfugr: noble, worshipful
GKS 2365 4to 19.5
AM 748 I 4to 19.5
gǫra: to make
GKS 2365 4to 5.3
AM 748 I 4to 5.3
haf: sea, ocean
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
hafa: to have
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 5.2, 12.2, 16.2, 42.1, 42.6, 45.1, 51.2, 53.2, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 5.2, 12.2, 16.2, 42.1, 42.6, 45.1, 51.2, 53.2, Conc.
halfr: half
GKS 2365 4to14.4, 14.6
AM 748 I 4to14.4, 14.6
handtaka: to seize, to capture
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
hanga: to hang
GKS 2365 4to 9.4
AM 748 I 4to 10.4
hann: he
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 9.2, 10.2, 15.2, 20.5, 23.4, 24.6, 26.4, 29.5, 30.6, 30.8, 32.5, 33.2, 34.5, 37.2, 37.4, 38.2, 38.6, 39.5, 41.1, 41.4, 44.2, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 9.2, 10.2, 15.2, 20.5, 23.6, 24.4, 26.4, 29.5, 30.6, 32.5, 33.2, 34.5, 37.2, 37.4, 38.2, 38.6, 41.1, 41.4, 42.6, 44.2, Conc.
harðmóðigr: hard of mood
GKS 2365 4to 41.5
AM 748 I 4to 41.5
haukr: hawk
GKS 2365 4to 44.8
AM 748 I 4to 44.8
hauss: skull, cranium
GKS 2365 4to 40.6
AM 748 I 4to 40.6
hár: high, tall, hair
GKS 2365 4to17.2, 40.5
AM 748 I 4to17.2, 40.5
hátimbra: high-timbered
GKS 2365 4to 16.6
AM 748 I 4to 16.6
hefna: to revenge
GKS 2365 4to 17.6
AM 748 I 4to 17.6
heið: brightness of the sky, shining
GKS 2365 4to 39.6
AM 748 I 4to 39.6
heilagr: holy
GKS 2365 4to4.1, 22.3, 29.9
AM 748 I 4to4.1, 22.3, 29.9
heili: brain
GKS 2365 4to 41.4
AM 748 I 4to 41.4
heill: good luck, auspice, 'be whole!'
GKS 2365 4to3.1, 3.2
AM 748 I 4to3.1, 3.2
heimr: world, lying in a place. related to Gr. οίκουμένη
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 42.4
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 42.4
heita: to call, to give name to
GKS 2365 4to5.1, 6.4, 7.1, 8.1, 11.1, 22.1, 25.1, 26.1, 28.1, 32.1, 38.1, 39.1, 46.1, 46.2, 48.6, 49.1, 50.2, 54.1, 54.2, 54.3
AM 748 I 4to5.1, 6.4, 7.1, 11.1, 15.1, 22.1, 25.1, 26.1, 28.1, 32.1, 38.1, 39.1, 46.1, 48.6, 49.1, 50.2, 54.1, 54.2, 54.3
heitr: hot
GKS 2365 4to 1.1
AM 748 I 4to 1.1
hel: the abode of the dead
GKS 2365 4to 28.12
AM 748 I 4to 28.12
heldr: more, rather
GKS 2365 4to 1.2
AM 748 I 4to 1.2
hellir: cave
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
herja: harrying, battle
GKS 2365 4to18.6, 24.4, 36.9, 51.5
AM 748 I 4to18.6, 23.4, 36.9, 51.5
heyra: to hear
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
héðan: hence
GKS 2365 4to28.12, 37.2
AM 748 I 4to28.12, 37.2
hégómi: falsness
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
hér: here
GKS 2365 4to 2.2
AM 748 I 4to 2.2
himinn: heaven
GKS 2365 4to39.6, 40.6
AM 748 I 4to39.6, 40.6
hin: the
GKS 2365 4to12.1, 16.1, 41.5
AM 748 I 4to12.1, 13.1, 16.1, 41.5
hinn: the
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 6.1, 11.3, 14.1, 15.1, 39.2, 45.5, 50.3, 50.5
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 6.1, 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, 11.1, 11.3, 13.6, 14.1, 15.1, 16.5, 39.2, 45.5, 50.3, 50.5
hjalt: the knob at the end of a sword's hilt, the guard between the hilt and blade
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
hjǫrtr: hart, stag
GKS 2365 4to26.1, 33.1, 35.4
AM 748 I 4to33.1, 35.4
hlíð: slope, mountain
GKS 2365 4to 35.5
AM 748 I 4to 35.5
hlóa: to bellow, to roar
GKS 2365 4to 29.9
AM 748 I 4to 29.9
hnǫggva: bereft
GKS 2365 4to 51.3
AM 748 I 4to 51.3
hodd: hoard, treasure
GKS 2365 4to 27.8
AM 748 I 4to 27.8
hold: skin and flesh, body
GKS 2365 4to 40.1
AM 748 I 4to 40.1
horn: horn
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 26.4, 36.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 26.4, 36.2
hón: she
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 14.5, 22.6, 25.5, 27.8, 28.11, 29.3, 36.9
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 14.5, 22.6, 25.5, 27.8, 28.11, 29.3, 36.9
hrinda: to push, to kick
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
hripuðr: fire
GKS 2365 4to 1.1
AM 748 I 4to 1.1
hrímþurs: rime-giant
GKS 2365 4to 31.5
AM 748 I 4to 31.5
hrís: shrubs, brushwood
GKS 2365 4to 17.1
AM 748 I 4to 17.1
hróðugr: glorious
GKS 2365 4to 19.3
AM 748 I 4to 19.3
hundr: hound
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 44.9
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 44.9
hundrað: a hundred (120)
GKS 2365 4to23.1, 24.1, 24.4
AM 748 I 4to23.1, 23.4, 24.1
hvar: where
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
hvat: what
GKS 2365 4to 18.6
AM 748 I 4to 18.6
hverfa: to turn around
GKS 2365 4to27.8, Conc.
AM 748 I 4to 27.8
hverr: who, which, each, every
GKS 2365 4to8.5, 14.5, 20.2, 29.4, 30.7, 34.3, 42.3, 42.6
AM 748 I 4to8.5, 14.5, 20.2, 29.4, 30.7, 34.3, 42.3, 42.6
hvé: how
GKS 2365 4to 22.6
AM 748 I 4to 22.6
hyggja: to think, to mean, to believe
GKS 2365 4to23.3, 24.3, 34.3, 34.8, 54.8
AM 748 I 4to24.3, 34.3, 34.8, 54.8
hylli: favour, grace
GKS 2365 4to42.1, 51.6
AM 748 I 4to42.1, 51.6
hæfing: aiming at
GKS 2365 4to 33.2
AM 748 I 4to 33.2
hǫll: hall
GKS 2365 4to25.2, 26.2
AM 748 I 4to25.2, 26.2
hǫnd: hand
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
hǫrgr: heathen place of worship
GKS 2365 4to 16.6
AM 748 I 4to 16.6
in: in
GKS 2365 4to 13.1
inn: the
GKS 2365 4to 25.5
AM 748 I 4to 25.5
it: the
GKS 2365 4to 15.3
AM 748 I 4to 15.3
í: in, within, during, into
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 13.5, 14.3, 18.2, 21.3, 22.6, 26.5, 38.6, 43.2, 52.6, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 13.5, 14.3, 18.2, 21.3, 22.6, 26.5, 38.6, 43.2, 52.6, Conc.
íkorni: squirrel
GKS 2365 4to 32.1
AM 748 I 4to 32.1
íllr: ill, evil
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
ísarn: iron
GKS 2365 4to 37.6
AM 748 I 4to 37.6
jór: stallion
GKS 2365 4to30.6, 44.5
AM 748 I 4to30.6, 44.5
jǫrð: earth
GKS 2365 4to 40.2
AM 748 I 4to 40.2
jǫrmun: great
GKS 2365 4to 20.3
AM 748 I 4to 20.3
jǫtunn: giant
GKS 2365 4to11.3, 50.3
AM 748 I 4to11.3, 50.3
karl: man
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
ker: tub, vessel
GKS 2365 4to7.6, 25.4
kerling: old woman
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
kjálki: jaw-bone, a kind of sledge
GKS 2365 4to 49.5
AM 748 I 4to 49.5
kjósa: to choose, to elect
GKS 2365 4to8.4, 14.5
AM 748 I 4to8.5, 14.5
kná: to know how to do a thing, can
GKS 2365 4to7.2, 25.6, 53.5
AM 748 I 4to7.2, 25.6, 53.5
kné: knee
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
kol: coals, charcoal
GKS 2365 4to 37.6
AM 748 I 4to 37.6
koma: to come
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 9.2, 10.2, 20.5, 45.5, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 9.2, 10.2, 20.5, 45.5, Conc.
konungr: king
GKS 2365 4toIntro., Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., Conc.
kostr: condition, chance, opportunity, choice, quality
GKS 2365 4to 14.3
AM 748 I 4to 14.3
kot: cottage, hut, small farm
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
kunna: to know, to understand
GKS 2365 4to9.3, 10.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 9.3
kveða: to say
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 13.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 13.3, 23.3
kvelja: to torment
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
kvistr: twig, branch
GKS 2365 4to 34.9
AM 748 I 4to 34.9
land: land
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.7, 4.1, 12.4, 17.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.7, 4.1, 12.4, 17.3
lauss: loose
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
láss: latch, lock
GKS 2365 4to 22.6
AM 748 I 4to 22.6
láta: to let, to put, to place, to suffer, to grant, to behave
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 18.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 18.2
látask: to let oneself be
GKS 2365 4to 17.4
AM 748 I 4to 17.4
leiða: to lead, to conduct, to make a person loathe a thing
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
lengi: long, for a long time
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
lifa: to be left, to live
GKS 2365 4to 19.6
AM 748 I 4to 19.6
liggja: to lie
GKS 2365 4to4.2, 12.5, 34.2, 52.4
AM 748 I 4to4.2, 12.5, 34.2, 52.4
lim: foliage of a tree, crown of a tree
GKS 2365 4to25.3, 26.3
AM 748 I 4to25.3, 26.3
líða: to go, to pass, to move
GKS 2365 4to 53.3
AM 748 I 4to 53.3
líf: life
GKS 2365 4to 53.3
AM 748 I 4to 53.3
loði: fur cloak
GKS 2365 4to 1.4
AM 748 I 4to 1.4
loga: burn with a flame
GKS 2365 4to 29.8
AM 748 I 4to 29.8
lopt: loft, air, atmosphere
GKS 2365 4to 1.5
AM 748 I 4to 1.5
lúka: to shut
GKS 2365 4to 22.6
AM 748 I 4to 22.6
lygi: lie
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
maðr: man
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.3, 16.4, 31.6, 35.3, 41.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.3, 16.4, 31.6, 35.3, 41.3, 53.2
margr: many
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
mark: mark
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
marr: sea, steed
GKS 2365 4to 17.5
AM 748 I 4to 17.5
matr: food
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.3
mágr: brother in law, father in law, son in law
GKS 2365 4to 23.6
AM 748 I 4to 24.6
mál: speech, faculty of speech, suit, action, cause
GKS 2365 4toIntro., Title
AM 748 I 4toIntro., Title
máttigr: mighty
GKS 2365 4to 11.3
AM 748 I 4to 11.3
með: with
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 23.3, 48.7, 49.9, 54.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 24.3, 49.10, 54.6
mega: may, might, to have strength to do
GKS 2365 4to34.9, 53.6
AM 748 I 4to34.9, 53.6
meiðr: pole, longitudinal beam
GKS 2365 4to 34.9
AM 748 I 4to 34.9
mein: hurt, harm
GKS 2365 4to 16.5
AM 748 I 4to 16.5
meiri: more, more in number, greater
GKS 2365 4to20.6, 35.3
AM 748 I 4to20.6, 35.3
mennska: humanity
GKS 2365 4to 31.6
AM 748 I 4to 31.6
miðr: middle
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
mikill: great, tall
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.2, 21.5, 51.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 21.5, 51.3
milli: between
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.2
mínn: my, mine
GKS 2365 4to 51.4
AM 748 I 4to 51.4
mjǫðr: mead
GKS 2365 4to13.6, 25.5
AM 748 I 4to13.6, 25.5
mjǫk: much
GKS 2365 4to9.1, 10.1, 23.6
AM 748 I 4to9.1, 10.1, 24.6
muna: to mind, to call to mind, to remember
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 52.2, 53.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 52.2
myrkr: mirk, murky, dark
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
mækir: sword
GKS 2365 4to 52.4
AM 748 I 4to 52.4
mæla: to speak
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
mærr: famous, glorious, great
GKS 2365 4to 50.5
AM 748 I 4to 50.5
mǫgr: boy, youth
GKS 2365 4to 17.4
AM 748 I 4to 17.4
nafn: name
GKS 2365 4to 48.5
AM 748 I 4to 48.5
nálgask: to approach, to come near to
GKS 2365 4to 53.6
AM 748 I 4to 53.6
nátt: night
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.1
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.1
neðan: from beneath, from below
GKS 2365 4to 35.6
AM 748 I 4to 35.6
nefna: to name
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
nema: except, save, but
GKS 2365 4to 2.4
AM 748 I 4to 2.4
né: not
GKS 2365 4to2.3, 20.5
AM 748 I 4to2.3, 20.5
niðr: down
GKS 2365 4to32.6, Conc.
AM 748 I 4to32.6, Conc.
níðingr: villain, truce breaker
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
níundi: ninth
GKS 2365 4to 14.1
AM 748 I 4to 14.1
nú: now
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 11.4, 45.1, 53.2, 53.5, 54.1
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 11.4, 53.2, 53.5, 54.1
nýtr: fit, usable
GKS 2365 4to 43.6
AM 748 I 4to 43.6
nær: near
GKS 2365 4to4.3, 28.11
AM 748 I 4to4.3, 28.11
of: over, similar to 'um'
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 8.3, 20.4, 21.5, 34.3, 51.2, 52.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 4.6, 21.5, 34.3, 35.3, 41.6, 42.5, 51.2, 52.3, 53.3
ofan: from above
GKS 2365 4to32.5, 35.4
AM 748 I 4to32.5, 35.4
ok: and
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.2, 4.3, 7.4, 9.6, 15.3, 15.6, 17.2, 17.6, 19.1, 20.1, 23.2, 24.2, 25.3, 26.3, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 27.4, 27.5, 27.6, 27.7, 27.9, 27.10, 27.11, 28.4, 28.5, 28.6, 28.7, 28.8, 28.9, 29.1, 29.2, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 30.4, 30.5, 32.6, 33.1, 33.4, 33.5, 34.4, 34.6, 34.7, 36.1, 36.3, 36.4, 36.5, 36.6, 36.7, 37.1, 38.4, 42.2, 46.3, 46.4, 46.5, 46.6, 47.1, 47.2, 47.3, 47.6, 48.4, 49.7, 49.8, 49.9, 50.1, 50.3, 51.6, 54.4, 54.5, 54.6, 54.7, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.2, 4.3, 7.4, 10.6, 15.3, 15.6, 17.2, 17.6, 19.1, 20.1, 23.2, 24.2, 25.3, 26.3, 27.1, 27.2, 27.4, 27.5, 27.6, 27.7, 27.9, 27.10, 27.11, 28.4, 28.5, 28.6, 28.7, 28.8, 28.9, 28.10, 29.1, 29.2, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 30.4, 30.5, 32.6, 33.1, 33.4, 33.5, 34.4, 34.6, 34.7, 36.1, 36.3, 36.4, 36.5, 36.6, 36.7, 36.8, 37.1, 38.4, 42.2, 46.2, 46.3, 46.4, 46.5, 46.6, 47.1, 47.2, 47.3, 47.6, 47.7, 48.4, 49.8, 49.9, 49.10, 50.1, 50.3, 51.6, 54.4, 54.5, 54.6, 54.7, Conc.
opinn: open
GKS 2365 4to 42.4
AM 748 I 4to 42.4
orð: word, words
GKS 2365 4to 32.4
AM 748 I 4to 32.4
ormr: snake, serpent
GKS 2365 4to 34.1
AM 748 I 4to 34.1
óask: to dread, to fear
GKS 2365 4to 20.4
AM 748 I 4to 20.4
ólmr: savage, furious, worrying
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
ór: out of, from
GKS 2365 4to7.6, 24.5, 40.1, 40.3, 40.4, 40.5, 40.6, 41.1, 41.4, Conc.
AM 748 I 4to7.6, 23.5, 40.1, 40.3, 40.4, 40.5, 40.6, 41.1, 41.4, Conc.
ósvinnr: unwise
GKS 2365 4to 34.3
AM 748 I 4to 34.3
pína: to torment, to torture
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
rann: house
GKS 2365 4to10.4, 13.5, 23.4
AM 748 I 4to9.4, 13.5, 24.4
raptr: roof, ceiling
GKS 2365 4to 23.5
AM 748 I 4to 24.5
ráða: to advise, to counsel, to rule, to consult
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.5, 14.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.5, 14.2, 16.6
regin: gods
GKS 2365 4to4.6, 6.2, 37.5, 41.2
AM 748 I 4to4.6, 6.2, 37.5, 41.2
reka: to drive, to thrust, to throw, to push violently
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
renna: to run
GKS 2365 4to 32.2
AM 748 I 4to 32.2
repta: to roof
GKS 2365 4to 10.4
AM 748 I 4to 9.4
ríða: to ride
GKS 2365 4to 30.6
AM 748 I 4to 30.6
rjúfa: to break, to rip up, to break a hole in
GKS 2365 4to 4.6
AM 748 I 4to 4.6
róa: to row
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
rót: root
GKS 2365 4to 31.1
AM 748 I 4to 31.1
salr: hall
GKS 2365 4to5.3, 6.3, 9.3, 10.3, 10.5, 12.3, 14.3, 16.3
AM 748 I 4to5.3, 6.3, 9.3, 9.5, 12.3, 14.3, 16.3
samr: the same
GKS 2365 4to 15.3
AM 748 I 4to 15.3
sá: this, that, such
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 6.1, 11.3, 22.4, 25.6, 39.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 6.1, 11.3, 22.4, 25.6, 39.6
seðja: to satiate, to feed
GKS 2365 4to 19.2
AM 748 I 4to 19.2
segja: to say
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 32.6, 52.1
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 32.6, 52.1
senda: to send
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
sess: seat
GKS 2365 4to 14.3
AM 748 I 4to 14.3
setja: to seat, to place, to set, to put
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.2
sétti: sixth
GKS 2365 4to 11.1
AM 748 I 4to 11.1
sigtívar: victory gods
GKS 2365 4to 45.2
AM 748 I 4to 45.2
silfr: silver
GKS 2365 4to6.3, 15.3
AM 748 I 4to6.3, 15.3
sinn: his, hers, its, theirs
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
sitja: to sit
GKS 2365 4toIntro., Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., Conc.
síðan: since
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
sízt: since
GKS 2365 4to 48.7
AM 748 I 4to 48.6
sjaundi: seventh
GKS 2365 4to 12.1
AM 748 I 4to 12.1
sjá: to see
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 4.2, 9.3, 10.3, 52.5, 53.5, 54.8
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 4.2, 9.3, 10.3, 52.5, 53.5, 54.8
sjásk: to fear
GKS 2365 4to 20.6
AM 748 I 4to 20.6
sjóða: to cook
GKS 2365 4to 18.3
AM 748 I 4to 18.3
skapa: to shape, to form, to mould
GKS 2365 4to25.4, 40.2, 41.6, 43.3
AM 748 I 4to25.4, 40.2, 41.6, 43.3
skapt: shaved stick, shaft, missile
GKS 2365 4to 10.4
AM 748 I 4to 9.4
skáld: skald, poet
GKS 2365 4to 44.7
AM 748 I 4to 44.7
skera: to cut
GKS 2365 4to 35.6
AM 748 I 4to 35.6
skilja: to part, to separate, to divide, to distinguish, to discern, to understand
GKS 2365 4to2.5, 3.1, 3.5, 4.5, 25.5, 29.3, 32.2, 32.5, 34.8, 37.2, 38.5, 39.6, 45.3, 45.5
AM 748 I 4to2.5, 3.1, 3.5, 4.5, 25.5, 29.3, 32.2, 32.5, 34.8, 37.2, 38.5, 39.6, 45.3, 45.5
skip: ship
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 43.4, 44.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 43.4, 44.3
skína: to shine
GKS 2365 4to 38.3
AM 748 I 4to 38.3
skírleitr: pure of countenance
GKS 2365 4to 39.2
AM 748 I 4to 39.2
skírr: clear, bright, pure
GKS 2365 4to11.5, 25.5, 43.5
AM 748 I 4to11.5, 25.5, 43.5
skjǫldr: shield
GKS 2365 4to10.5, 38.3
AM 748 I 4to9.5, 38.3
ský: cloud
GKS 2365 4to 41.6
AM 748 I 4to 41.6
sleppa: to slip, to slide
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
smár: small
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
smýl: she troll
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
sonr: son
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.6, 34.5, 39.5, 41.3, 42.5, 43.1, 45.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.6, 34.5, 39.5, 41.3, 42.5, 43.1, 45.2
sól: sun
GKS 2365 4to37.3, 38.2
AM 748 I 4to37.3, 38.2
spyrja: to ask, to speer
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
stafr: staff, post
GKS 2365 4to 12.6
AM 748 I 4to 12.6
standa: to stand
GKS 2365 4to22.2, 25.2, 26.2, 31.2, 38.2, Conc.
AM 748 I 4to22.2, 25.2, 26.2, 31.2, 38.2, Conc.
steypa: to 'make stoop', to cast down, to overthrow
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
straumr: stream, current, race
GKS 2365 4to 21.4
AM 748 I 4to 21.4
strá: straw, to strew, to cover with straw
GKS 2365 4to 10.6
AM 748 I 4to 9.6
strǫnd: border edge, strand, coast, shore
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
styðja: to steady, to prop
GKS 2365 4to 15.2
AM 748 I 4to 15.2
stǫðva: to soothe, to halt
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
svalr: cool, fresh
GKS 2365 4to 7.2
AM 748 I 4to 7.2
svangr: slender, slim, thin
GKS 2365 4to 37.3
AM 748 I 4to 37.3
svá: so, thus
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.3, 23.3, 24.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.3, 23.3, 24.3
sveiti: sweat, blood
GKS 2365 4to 40.3
AM 748 I 4to 40.3
sverð: sword
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to44.10, Conc.
sviðna: to be singed
GKS 2365 4to 1.4
AM 748 I 4to 1.4
svipr: a glimpse of a person
GKS 2365 4to 45.1
AM 748 I 4to 45.1
svæfa: to lull to sleep
GKS 2365 4to 15.6
AM 748 I 4to 15.6
sær: sea
GKS 2365 4to 40.3
AM 748 I 4to 40.3
sǫk: charge, offense
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 15.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 15.6
taka: to take hold of, to seize, to grasp
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 42.3, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 42.3, Conc.
tann: tooth
GKS 2365 4to 5.6
AM 748 I 4to 5.6
tigr: ten
GKS 2365 4to23.2, 24.2
AM 748 I 4to23.2, 24.2
til: to
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.2, 10.2, 28.12, 39.3, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.2, 10.2, 28.12, 39.3, Conc.
tíu: ten
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
tíundi: tenth
GKS 2365 4to 15.1
AM 748 I 4to 15.1
tívi: god, divinity
GKS 2365 4to 5.6
AM 748 I 4to 5.6
topt: green tuft, green grassy place, place marked out for a house or building
GKS 2365 4to 11.6
AM 748 I 4to 11.6
tveir: two
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 29.2
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 29.2
um: around, about, of, in regard to a thing
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 4.6, 5.3, 7.5, 10.6, 12.3, 16.3, 20.6, 23.2, 24.2, 27.8, 40.2, 41.6, 42.5, 52.2, 53.3, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 5.3, 7.5, 9.6, 12.3, 16.3, 20.4, 20.6, 22.6, 24.2, 27.8, 40.2, 52.2, Conc.
una: to abide, to dwell
GKS 2365 4to 21.2
AM 748 I 4to 21.2
undir: under, underneath, below
GKS 2365 4to31.3, 31.4, 34.2, 37.4
AM 748 I 4to31.3, 31.4, 34.2, 37.4
unnr: waves, sea
GKS 2365 4to 7.3
AM 748 I 4to 7.3
unz: till that, till, until
GKS 2365 4to 4.6
AM 748 I 4to 4.6
upp: up
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 37.2, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 37.2, Conc.
úlfr: wolf
GKS 2365 4to 39.1
AM 748 I 4to 39.2
út: out
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
vaða: to wade, to go through shallow water
GKS 2365 4to21.6, 29.3
AM 748 I 4to21.6, 29.3
vaka: to be awake
GKS 2365 4to 45.3
AM 748 I 4to 45.3
valda: to wield, to rule, to cause
GKS 2365 4to 13.3
AM 748 I 4to 13.3
valr: the slain
GKS 2365 4to14.4, 21.6, 53.1
AM 748 I 4to14.4, 21.6, 53.1
vana: to wane
GKS 2365 4to 25.6
AM 748 I 4to 25.6
vanr: wont, accustomed
GKS 2365 4to 16.5
AM 748 I 4to 16.5
varask: to beware of
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
vargr: wolf, outlaw
GKS 2365 4to 9.4
AM 748 I 4to 10.4
varna: to warn off
GKS 2365 4to 39.3
AM 748 I 4to 39.3
vatn: water
GKS 2365 4to26.6, 29.9
AM 748 I 4to26.6, 29.9
vaxa: to wax, to grow
GKS 2365 4to 17.1
AM 748 I 4to 17.1
vápn: weapon
GKS 2365 4to8.6, 19.5
AM 748 I 4to8.6, 19.5
vár: spring
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
veðja: to lay a wager, to bet
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
vegr: way, road
GKS 2365 4to24.6, 26.6, 31.2
AM 748 I 4to23.6, 26.6, 31.2
veig: strong beverage, drink
GKS 2365 4to 25.6
AM 748 I 4to 25.6
vel: well
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
vera: to be
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.1, 2.4, 3.3, 4.1, 4.5, 6.1, 8.6, 9.1, 10.1, 10.4, 10.5, 12.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 15.2, 16.1, 22.4, 22.6, 24.3, 33.1, 34.5, 39.5, 40.2, 41.5, 42.3, 44.2, 50.2, 50.4, 51.1, 51.3, 51.4, 53.4, 54.8, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.1, 1.5, 3.3, 4.1, 4.5, 8.1, 8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 10.1, 10.2, 12.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.2, 16.1, 22.4, 22.6, 23.3, 24.3, 33.1, 40.2, 41.5, 42.6, 44.2, 50.2, 50.4, 51.1, 51.3, 51.4, 53.4, Conc.
verða: to become, to happen, to come to pass
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 42.5, 50.6, 54.8
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 42.5, 50.6, 54.8, Conc.
vestr: west
GKS 2365 4to 9.5
AM 748 I 4to 10.5
vetr: winter
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
vé: mansion, house, sanctuary
GKS 2365 4to 13.3
AM 748 I 4to 13.3
véla: to defraud, to trick, to deal, to manage
GKS 2365 4to6.5, 52.3
AM 748 I 4to6.5, 52.3
við: with, against, by, at, close to
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 19.4, 45.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 19.4, 45.3
viðr: tree
GKS 2365 4to17.3, 39.3, 44.2
AM 748 I 4to17.3, 39.3, 44.2
vilbjǫrg: help desired, help in need
GKS 2365 4to 45.3
AM 748 I 4to 45.3
vilja: to wish, to will
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 36.2, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 36.2, Conc.
vindr: wind
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
vinr: friend, kinsman
GKS 2365 4to52.3, 52.5
AM 748 I 4to52.3, 52.5
vissa: certain knowledge, certainty
GKS 2365 4to Conc.
AM 748 I 4to Conc.
vita: to wit, to have sense, to be conscious
GKS 2365 4to12.5, 18.5, 22.5, 23.5, 23.6, 35.3, 38.5, 53.3
AM 748 I 4to12.5, 18.5, 22.5, 24.5, 24.6, 35.3, 38.5, 53.3
vitnir: wolf
GKS 2365 4to 24.6
AM 748 I 4to 23.6
víðr: wide, large
GKS 2365 4to 8.3
AM 748 I 4to 8.3
víg: fight, battle
AM 748 I 4to 49.7
vín: wine
GKS 2365 4to 19.4
AM 748 I 4to 19.4
værr: comfortable, tranquil
GKS 2365 4to 13.5
AM 748 I 4to 13.5
vǫllr: field
GKS 2365 4to 22.2
AM 748 I 4to 22.2
vǫrðr: warden, warder
GKS 2365 4to 13.4
AM 748 I 4to 13.4
yfir: over, above
GKS 2365 4to7.3, 9.6, 20.3
AM 748 I 4to7.3, 10.6, 20.3
yppa: to 'up with' a thing
GKS 2365 4to 45.1
AM 748 I 4to 45.1
þaðan: thence, from there
GKS 2365 4to 26.6
AM 748 I 4to 26.6
þann: that
GKS 2365 4to 50.3
AM 748 I 4to 50.3
þar: there, at that place
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 5.2, 7.2, 7.4, 8.2, 8.4, 12.2, 13.2, 13.4, 14.2, 15.4, 16.2, 17.4, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 5.2, 7.2, 7.4, 8.2, 8.4, 12.2, 13.2, 13.4, 14.2, 15.4, 16.2, 17.4, Conc.
þat: that, it, therefore
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 18.5, 22.5, 34.3, 45.3, 45.5, 54.3
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 18.5, 22.5, 45.3, 45.5, 54.3
þau: they
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 7.4, 41.5
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 7.4, 41.5
þá: then, at that time
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 24.6, 42.6, 49.4, 50.4, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 23.6, 42.6, 49.4, 50.4
þekja: to thatch
GKS 2365 4to6.3, 10.5, 15.3
AM 748 I 4to6.3, 9.5, 15.3
þengill: captain of a thing, prince, king
GKS 2365 4to 16.4
AM 748 I 4to 16.4
þessi: this, these, those
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
þing: thing, assembly, meeting, gathering
GKS 2365 4to 49.6
AM 748 I 4to 49.6
þjóta: to emit a whistling sound
GKS 2365 4to 21.1
AM 748 I 4to 21.1
þó: though, yet, but yet, nevertheless
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 20.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 20.6
þótt: although
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.5
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.5
þriði: third
GKS 2365 4to6.1, 28.3, 31.6
AM 748 I 4to6.1, 28.3, 31.6
þrír: three
GKS 2365 4to31.1, 31.2
AM 748 I 4to31.1, 31.2
þruma: clap of thunder
GKS 2365 4to 8.3
AM 748 I 4to 8.3
þú: you
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 51.1, 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 52.1, 52.2, 52.3, 53.3, 53.5, 53.6
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 51.1, 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 52.1, 52.2, 52.3, 53.3, 53.5, 53.6
því: this, because
GKS 2365 4to12.4, 29.7, 42.4
AM 748 I 4to12.4, 29.7, 42.4
þykkja: to be thought, to seem
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 21.5
æ: for ever
GKS 2365 4to19.6, 34.8
AM 748 I 4to19.6, 34.8
æðri: higher, highest
GKS 2365 4to 44.2
AM 748 I 4to 44.2
ǫl: ale
GKS 2365 4to 36.9
AM 748 I 4to 36.9
ǫlr: worse for ale, worse for drink
GKS 2365 4to 51.1
AM 748 I 4to 51.1
ǫrn: eagle
GKS 2365 4to9.6, 32.4
AM 748 I 4to10.6, 32.4

Names in editions

GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.4, 3.1, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.4, 3.1, Conc.
GKS 2365 4to 48.3
AM 748 I 4to 48.3
GKS 2365 4to 37.1
AM 748 I 4to 37.1
GKS 2365 4to 18.1
AM 748 I 4to 18.1
GKS 2365 4to 48.4
AM 748 I 4to 48.4
GKS 2365 4to 5.4
AM 748 I 4to 5.4
GKS 2365 4to 37.1
AM 748 I 4to 37.1
GKS 2365 4to 49.3
AM 748 I 4to 49.3
GKS 2365 4to 12.2
AM 748 I 4to 12.2
GKS 2365 4to 47.4
AM 748 I 4to 47.4
GKS 2365 4to 49.8
AM 748 I 4to 49.9
GKS 2365 4to 47.4
AM 748 I 4to 47.4
GKS 2365 4to 44.6
AM 748 I 4to 44.6
GKS 2365 4to 23.3
AM 748 I 4to 24.3
GKS 2365 4to 44.7
AM 748 I 4to 44.7
GKS 2365 4to 12.1
AM 748 I 4to 12.1
AM 748 I 4to 44.10
GKS 2365 4to 47.5
AM 748 I 4to 47.5
GKS 2365 4to 33.4
AM 748 I 4to 33.4
GKS 2365 4to 33.5
AM 748 I 4to 33.5
GKS 2365 4to 33.5
AM 748 I 4to 33.5
GKS 2365 4to 33.4
AM 748 I 4to 33.4
GKS 2365 4to 27.2
AM 748 I 4to 27.2
GKS 2365 4to 26.1
AM 748 I 4to 26.1
GKS 2365 4to 18.2
AM 748 I 4to 18.2
GKS 2365 4to 30.4
AM 748 I 4to 30.4
GKS 2365 4to 48.4
AM 748 I 4to 48.4
GKS 2365 4to 27.4
AM 748 I 4to 27.4
GKS 2365 4to 47.5
AM 748 I 4to 47.5
AM 748 I 4to 47.7
GKS 2365 4to 27.4
AM 748 I 4to 27.4
GKS 2365 4to 15.4
AM 748 I 4to 15.4
GKS 2365 4to 14.1
AM 748 I 4to 14.1
GKS 2365 4to 19.1
AM 748 I 4to 19.1
GKS 2365 4to 14.2
AM 748 I 4to 14.2
GKS 2365 4to5.4, 43.5
AM 748 I 4to5.4, 43.5
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
GKS 2365 4to 46.2
AM 748 I 4to 46.2
GKS 2365 4to 44.9
AM 748 I 4to 44.9
GKS 2365 4to 54.6
AM 748 I 4to 54.6
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 2.6, 49.2, 51.1, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 2.6, 49.2, 51.1, Conc.
GKS 2365 4to 27.7
AM 748 I 4to 27.7
GKS 2365 4to 36.6
AM 748 I 4to 36.6
GKS 2365 4to 19.1
AM 748 I 4to 19.1
GKS 2365 4to 27.6
AM 748 I 4to 27.6
GKS 2365 4to 30.4
AM 748 I 4to 30.4
GKS 2365 4to 28.10
AM 748 I 4to 28.10
GKS 2365 4to 30.1
AM 748 I 4to 30.1
GKS 2365 4to 8.1
AM 748 I 4to 8.1
AM 748 I 4to 47.7
GKS 2365 4to 15.1
AM 748 I 4to 15.1
GKS 2365 4to 30.2
AM 748 I 4to 30.2
GKS 2365 4to 34.4
AM 748 I 4to 34.4
GKS 2365 4to 34.5
AM 748 I 4to 34.5
GKS 2365 4to 34.6
AM 748 I 4to 34.6
GKS 2365 4to 34.6
AM 748 I 4to 34.6
GKS 2365 4to 27.11
AM 748 I 4to 27.11
GKS 2365 4toIntro., Title, 47.6, 49.1
AM 748 I 4toIntro., Title, 47.6, 49.1
GKS 2365 4to46.1, 47.6
AM 748 I 4to46.1, 47.6
GKS 2365 4to 30.5
AM 748 I 4to 30.5
GKS 2365 4to 27.11
AM 748 I 4to 27.11
GKS 2365 4to 27.3
AM 748 I 4to 27.3
GKS 2365 4to 30.1
AM 748 I 4to 30.1
GKS 2365 4to 36.6
AM 748 I 4to 36.6
GKS 2365 4to 27.7
AM 748 I 4to 27.7
GKS 2365 4to 49.9
AM 748 I 4to 49.10
GKS 2365 4to 27.6
AM 748 I 4to 27.6
GKS 2365 4to 39.4
AM 748 I 4to 39.4
GKS 2365 4to 44.8
AM 748 I 4to 44.8
GKS 2365 4to 46.6
AM 748 I 4to 46.6
GKS 2365 4to 49.9
AM 748 I 4to 49.10
GKS 2365 4to 25.1
AM 748 I 4to 25.1
GKS 2365 4to 13.2
AM 748 I 4to 13.2
GKS 2365 4to 31.4
AM 748 I 4to 31.4
GKS 2365 4to 46.6
AM 748 I 4to 46.6
GKS 2365 4to 36.5
AM 748 I 4to 36.5
GKS 2365 4to19.3, 25.2, 26.2
AM 748 I 4to19.3, 25.2, 26.2
GKS 2365 4to 46.3
AM 748 I 4to 46.3
GKS 2365 4to 47.3
AM 748 I 4to 47.3
GKS 2365 4to 36.4
AM 748 I 4to 36.4
GKS 2365 4to 13.1
AM 748 I 4to 13.1
GKS 2365 4to 46.3
AM 748 I 4to 46.3
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
GKS 2365 4to 36.5
AM 748 I 4to 36.5
GKS 2365 4to 47.3
AM 748 I 4to 47.3
GKS 2365 4to 48.2
AM 748 I 4to 48.2
GKS 2365 4to Intro.
AM 748 I 4to Intro.
GKS 2365 4to 36.1
AM 748 I 4to 36.1
GKS 2365 4to 28.6
AM 748 I 4to 28.6
GKS 2365 4to 54.5
AM 748 I 4to 54.5
GKS 2365 4to 8.4
AM 748 I 4to 8.4
GKS 2365 4to 39.5
AM 748 I 4to 39.5
GKS 2365 4to 28.5
AM 748 I 4to 28.5
GKS 2365 4to20.1, 20.4
AM 748 I 4to20.1, 20.4
GKS 2365 4to 26.5
AM 748 I 4to 26.5
GKS 2365 4to 27.10
AM 748 I 4to 27.10
GKS 2365 4to 43.1
AM 748 I 4to 43.1
GKS 2365 4to 49.8
AM 748 I 4to 49.9
GKS 2365 4to49.3, 54.6
AM 748 I 4to49.3, 49.4, 54.6
GKS 2365 4to 29.2
AM 748 I 4to 29.2
GKS 2365 4to 49.4
GKS 2365 4to 29.1
AM 748 I 4to 29.1
GKS 2365 4to 28.10
AM 748 I 4to 28.10
GKS 2365 4to 30.5
AM 748 I 4to 30.5
GKS 2365 4to25.3, 26.3
AM 748 I 4to25.3, 26.3
GKS 2365 4to 41.3
AM 748 I 4to 41.3
GKS 2365 4to 50.4
AM 748 I 4to 50.4
GKS 2365 4to 36.1
AM 748 I 4to 36.1
GKS 2365 4to 34.4
AM 748 I 4to 34.4
GKS 2365 4to20.1, 20.6
AM 748 I 4to20.1, 20.6
GKS 2365 4to32.6, 35.6
AM 748 I 4to32.6, 35.6
GKS 2365 4to16.2, 43.6
AM 748 I 4to16.2, 43.6
GKS 2365 4to 16.1
AM 748 I 4to 16.1
GKS 2365 4to 28.4
AM 748 I 4to 28.4
GKS 2365 4to 28.5
AM 748 I 4to 28.5
GKS 2365 4to 28.4
AM 748 I 4to 28.4
GKS 2365 4toIntro., 7.4, 9.2, 10.2, 14.6, 19.6, 44.4, 51.6, 53.5, 54.1, Conc.
AM 748 I 4toIntro., 7.4, 9.2, 14.6, 19.6, 44.4, 51.6, 53.5, 54.1, Conc.
GKS 2365 4to 34.7
AM 748 I 4to 34.7
GKS 2365 4to 54.7
AM 748 I 4to 54.7
GKS 2365 4to 49.7
AM 748 I 4to 49.8
GKS 2365 4to 49.7
AM 748 I 4to 49.8
GKS 2365 4to 36.7
AM 748 I 4to 36.7
GKS 2365 4to 32.1
AM 748 I 4to 32.1
GKS 2365 4to 36.7
AM 748 I 4to 36.7
GKS 2365 4to 36.8
AM 748 I 4to 36.8
GKS 2365 4to 27.5
AM 748 I 4to 27.5
GKS 2365 4to 27.5
AM 748 I 4to 27.5
GKS 2365 4to 47.1
AM 748 I 4to 47.1
GKS 2365 4to 47.2
AM 748 I 4to 47.2
GKS 2365 4to 7.4
AM 748 I 4to 7.4
GKS 2365 4to 30.3
AM 748 I 4to 30.3
GKS 2365 4to 30.3
AM 748 I 4to 30.3
GKS 2365 4to 27.1
AM 748 I 4to 27.1
GKS 2365 4to 48.2
AM 748 I 4to 48.2
GKS 2365 4to 48.1
AM 748 I 4to 48.1
GKS 2365 4to 48.1
AM 748 I 4to 48.1
GKS 2365 4to 11.4
AM 748 I 4to 11.4
GKS 2365 4to 36.3
AM 748 I 4to 36.3
GKS 2365 4to 30.2
AM 748 I 4to 30.2
GKS 2365 4to 54.4
AM 748 I 4to 54.4
GKS 2365 4to43.3, 44.3
AM 748 I 4to43.3, 44.3
GKS 2365 4to 36.3
AM 748 I 4to 36.3
GKS 2365 4to 39.1
AM 748 I 4to 39.1
GKS 2365 4to 44.5
AM 748 I 4to 44.5
GKS 2365 4to 28.6
AM 748 I 4to 28.6
GKS 2365 4to 28.9
AM 748 I 4to 28.9
GKS 2365 4to 38.1
AM 748 I 4to 38.1
GKS 2365 4to 34.7
AM 748 I 4to 34.7
GKS 2365 4to 54.7
AM 748 I 4to 54.7
GKS 2365 4to 50.1
AM 748 I 4to 50.1
GKS 2365 4to 50.1
AM 748 I 4to 50.1
GKS 2365 4to 47.1
AM 748 I 4to 47.1
GKS 2365 4to 27.3
AM 748 I 4to 27.3
GKS 2365 4to 28.7
AM 748 I 4to 28.7
GKS 2365 4to 18.3
AM 748 I 4to 18.3
GKS 2365 4to 27.2
AM 748 I 4to 27.2
GKS 2365 4to 7.1
AM 748 I 4to 7.1
GKS 2365 4to 50.2
AM 748 I 4to 50.2
GKS 2365 4to 46.5
AM 748 I 4to 46.5
GKS 2365 4to5.2, 42.1
AM 748 I 4to5.2, 42.1
GKS 2365 4to 54.4
AM 748 I 4to 54.4
GKS 2365 4to 6.4
AM 748 I 4to 6.4
GKS 2365 4to 48.3
GKS 2365 4to 22.1
AM 748 I 4to 22.1
GKS 2365 4to8.3, 24.3
AM 748 I 4to8.3, 23.3, 24.3
GKS 2365 4to 54.5
AM 748 I 4to 54.5
GKS 2365 4to 28.8
AM 748 I 4to 28.8
GKS 2365 4to 28.2
AM 748 I 4to 28.2
GKS 2365 4to 3.3
AM 748 I 4to 3.3
AM 748 I 4to 49.7
GKS 2365 4to 27.9
AM 748 I 4to 27.9
GKS 2365 4to27.1, 28.8
AM 748 I 4to27.1, 28.8
GKS 2365 4to 17.3
AM 748 I 4to 17.3
GKS 2365 4to 28.1
AM 748 I 4to 28.1
GKS 2365 4to 28.9
AM 748 I 4to 28.9
GKS 2365 4to29.6, 30.9, 31.3, 32.3, 34.2, 35.1, 44.1
AM 748 I 4to29.6, 30.9, 31.3, 32.3, 34.2, 35.1, 44.1
GKS 2365 4to53.2, 54.2
AM 748 I 4to53.2, 54.2
GKS 2365 4to 28.7
AM 748 I 4to 28.7
GKS 2365 4to 40.1
AM 748 I 4to 40.1
GKS 2365 4to 5.1
AM 748 I 4to 5.1
GKS 2365 4to 46.4
AM 748 I 4to 46.4
GKS 2365 4to 11.2
AM 748 I 4to 11.2
GKS 2365 4to 28.3
AM 748 I 4to 28.3
GKS 2365 4to 21.2
AM 748 I 4to 21.2
GKS 2365 4to4.5, 29.3
AM 748 I 4to4.5, 29.3
GKS 2365 4to 46.4
AM 748 I 4to 46.4
GKS 2365 4to 49.6
AM 748 I 4to 49.6
GKS 2365 4to 4.4
AM 748 I 4to 4.4
GKS 2365 4to 36.4
AM 748 I 4to 36.4
GKS 2365 4to 11.1
AM 748 I 4to 11.1
GKS 2365 4to 21.1
AM 748 I 4to 21.1
GKS 2365 4to46.5, 54.3
AM 748 I 4to46.5, 54.3
GKS 2365 4to 27.9
AM 748 I 4to 27.9
GKS 2365 4to 27.10
AM 748 I 4to 27.10
GKS 2365 4to45.6, 45.7
AM 748 I 4to45.6, 45.7
GKS 2365 4to 29.1
AM 748 I 4to 29.1